Diagramme de Gatt en PlantUml


Le Gantt doit être décrit en anglais, à l'aide de phrase très simple (sujet-verbe-complément).

Déclaration des tâches

Tâches définies à l'aide de crochets.


Leurs durées sont définies à l'aide du verbe last

[Prototype design] lasts 15 days
[Test prototype] lasts 10 days
-- All example --
[Task 1 (1 day)] lasts 1 day
[T2 (5 days)] lasts 5 days
[T3 (1 week)] lasts 1 week
[T4 (1 week and 4 days)] lasts 1 week and 4 days
[T5 (2 weeks)] lasts 2 weeks

Une semaine est un synonyme du nombre de jours non fermés dans une semaine. Ainsi, si vous spécifiez que le samedi et le dimanche sont fermés, une semaine équivaudra à 5 jours


Leurs débuts sont définis à l'aide du verbe start

language fr

[Prototype design] lasts 15 days
[Test prototype] lasts 10 days

Project starts 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] starts 2020-07-01
[Test prototype] starts 2020-07-16


Leur fin est définie à l'aide du verbe end

language fr

[Prototype design] lasts 15 days
[Test prototype] lasts 10 days

Project starts 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] ends 2020-07-15
[Test prototype] ends 2020-07-25



Il est possible de définir les deux de manière absolue, en spécifiant des dates

language fr

Project starts 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] starts 2020-07-01
[Test prototype] starts 2020-07-16
[Prototype design] ends 2020-07-15
[Test prototype] ends 2020-07-25


 This translation need to be updated. 

Déclaration sur une ligne (avec la conjonction et)

Il est possible de combiner une déclaration sur une ligne avec la conjonction and

language fr
Project starts 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] starts 2020-07-01 and ends 2020-07-15
[Test prototype] starts 2020-07-16 and lasts 10 days

Ajout de contraintes

Il est possible d'ajouter des contraintes entre les tâches

[Prototype design] lasts 15 days
[Test prototype] lasts 10 days
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end

[Prototype design] lasts 10 days
[Code prototype] lasts 10 days
[Write tests] lasts 5 days
[Code prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Write tests] starts at [Code prototype]'s start

Noms courts (avec : as)

Un nom court peut être utilisé pour les tâches à l'aide de l'instruction as.

[Design du prototype] as [D] lasts 15 days
[Test du prototype] as [T] lasts 10 days
[T] starts at [D]'s end

Choix des couleurs

Il est possible de changer les couleurs des tâches avec les mots clés is colored in.

[Design du prototype] lasts 13 days
[Test du prototype] lasts 4 days
[Test du prototype] starts at [Design du prototype]'s end
[Design du prototype] is colored in Fuchsia/FireBrick
[Test du prototype] is colored in GreenYellow/Green

Complétion d'une tâche

Ajout du pourcentage d'achèvement

Vous pouvez définir l'état d'achèvement d'une tâche, par la commande :
  • is xx% completed
  • is xx% complete

[foo] lasts 21 days
[foo] is 40% completed
[bar] lasts 30 days and is 10% complete

Changer la couleur de l'achèvement (par style)


ganttDiagram {
  task {
    BackGroundColor GreenYellow
    LineColor Green 
    unstarted {
      BackGroundColor Fuchsia 
      LineColor FireBrick

[Prototype design] lasts 7 days
[Test prototype 0] lasts 4 days
[Test prototype 10] lasts 4 days
[Test prototype 20] lasts 4 days
[Test prototype 30] lasts 4 days
[Test prototype 40] lasts 4 days
[Test prototype 50] lasts 4 days
[Test prototype 60] lasts 4 days
[Test prototype 70] lasts 4 days
[Test prototype 80] lasts 4 days
[Test prototype 90] lasts 4 days
[Test prototype 100] lasts 4 days

[Test prototype 0] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 10] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 20] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 30] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 40] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 50] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 60] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 70] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 80] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 90] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 100] starts at [Prototype design]'s end

[Test prototype 0] is 0% complete
[Test prototype 10] is 10% complete
[Test prototype 20] is 20% complete
[Test prototype 30] is 30% complete
[Test prototype 40] is 40% complete
[Test prototype 50] is 50% complete
[Test prototype 60] is 60% complete
[Test prototype 70] is 70% complete
[Test prototype 80] is 80% complete
[Test prototype 90] is 90% complete
[Test prototype 100] is 100% complete


[Ref. QA-8297]

Jalon (avec le verbe : happen)

Vous pouvez définir des jalons à l'aide du verbe happen.

Jalon relatif (avec utilisation de contraintes sur des tâches)

[Test du prototype] lasts 10 days
[Prototype terminé] happens at [Test du prototype]'s end
[Mise en place production] lasts 12 days
[Mise en place production] starts at [Test du prototype]'s end

Jalon absolu (avec utilisation d'un date fixe)

language fr
Project starts 2020-07-01
[Test prototype] lasts 10 days
[Prototype completed] happens 2020-07-10
[Setup assembly line] lasts 12 days
[Setup assembly line] starts at [Test prototype]'s end

Jalon de fin maximale de tâches

[Task1] lasts 4 days
then [Task1.1] lasts 4 days
[Task1.2] starts at [Task1]'s end and lasts 7 days

[Task2] lasts 5 days
then [Task2.1] lasts 4 days

[MaxTaskEnd] happens at [Task1.1]'s end
[MaxTaskEnd] happens at [Task1.2]'s end
[MaxTaskEnd] happens at [Task2.1]'s end


[Ref. QA-10764]

Lien hypertexte

On peut rajouter des liens aux tâches avec le mot clé links to.

[task1] lasts 10 days
[task1] links to [[http://plantuml.com]]


Vous pouvez spécifier une date de début pour l'ensemble du projet. Par défaut, la première tâche commence à cette date

language fr
Project starts the 20th of september 2017
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 13 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue

Journées en couleur

Il est possible d'ajouter des couleurs à certaines journées

Language fr
Project starts the 2020/09/01 

2020/09/07 is colored in salmon
2020/09/13 to 2020/09/16 are colored in lightblue

[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 22 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Prototype completed] happens at [TASK1]'s end

Changement d'échelle

Vous pouvez changer d'échelle pour les projets de très longue durée, avec l'un des paramètres suivants :
  • printscale
  • ganttscale
  • projectscale
et l'une des valeurs suivantes :
  • daily (par défaut)
  • weekly
  • monthly
  • quarterly
  • yearly

(Voir QA-11272, QA-9041 et QA-10948)

Daily (par défaut)

Language fr
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] lasts 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 


Language fr
printscale weekly
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] lasts 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Language fr
printscale weekly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 


Language fr
projectscale monthly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 


Language fr
projectscale quarterly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Language fr
projectscale quarterly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 200 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon 


Language fr
projectscale yearly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 200 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon 

Zoom (exemple pour toutes les échelles)

Vous pouvez modifier le zoom, avec le paramètre :
  • zoom <integer>

Zoom sur l'échelle hebdomadaire

Sans zoom

Language fr
printscale daily
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] lasts 8 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 3 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Avec zoom

Language fr
printscale daily zoom 2
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] lasts 8 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 3 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

[Ref. QA-13725]

Zoom sur l'échelle hebdomadaire

Sans zoom

Language fr
printscale weekly
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] lasts 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Avec zoom

Language fr
printscale weekly zoom 4
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] lasts 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Zoom sur l'échelle mensuelle

Sans zoom

Language fr
projectscale monthly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Avec zoom

Language fr
projectscale monthly zoom 3
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Zoom sur l'échelle trimestrielle

Sans zoom

Language fr
projectscale quarterly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Avec zoom

Language fr
projectscale quarterly zoom 7
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Zoom sur l'échelle annuelle

Sans zoom

Language fr
projectscale yearly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 200 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon 

Avec zoom

Language fr
projectscale yearly zoom 2
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 200 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon 

Jours non travaillés

Il est possible de déclarer certains jours comme non travaillés.

project starts the 2018/04/09
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
2018/05/01 is closed
2018/04/17 to 2018/04/19 is closed
[Prototype design] lasts 14 days
[Test prototype] lasts 4 days
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Prototype design] is colored in Fuchsia/FireBrick
[Test prototype] is colored in GreenYellow/Green

Puis il est possible de déclarer certains jours non travaillés, comme finalement, travaillés.

2020-07-07 to 2020-07-17 is closed
2020-07-13 is open

Project starts the 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] lasts 10 days
Then [Test prototype] lasts 10 days

Définition d'une semaine en fonction des jours fermés

Une semaine est un synonyme du nombre de jours non fermés qu'il y a dans une semaine, comme :

Language fr
Project starts 2021-03-29
[Review 01] happens at 2021-03-29
[Review 02 - 3 weeks] happens on 3 weeks after [Review 01]'s end
[Review 02 - 21 days] happens on 21 days after [Review 01]'s end

Ainsi, si vous spécifiez que le samedi et le dimanche sont fermés, une semaine équivaudra à 5 jours, comme :

Language fr
Project starts 2021-03-29
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
[Review 01] happens at 2021-03-29
[Review 02 - 3 weeks] happens on 3 weeks after [Review 01]'s end
[Review 02 - 21 days] happens on 21 days after [Review 01]'s end

[Réf. QA-13434]

Succession des tâches simplifiée et dépendances

Il est possible d'utiliser le mot-clés then pour définir des tâches consécutives.

[Prototype design] lasts 14 days
then [Test prototype] lasts 4 days
then [Deploy prototype] lasts 6 days

Vous pouvez aussi utiliser une flèche ->.

[Prototype design] lasts 14 days
[Build prototype] lasts 4 days
[Prepare test] lasts 6 days
[Prototype design] -> [Build prototype]
[Prototype design] -> [Prepare test]

Travailler avec des ressources

Vous pouvez affecter des ressources aux tâches à l'aide du mot-clé on et en mettant le nom de la ressource entre accolades. Vous pouvez aussi rajouter un taux de charge en pourcentage.

[Task1] on {Alice} lasts 10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} lasts 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} lasts 1 days

Plusieurs ressources peuvent être affectées à une tâche :

[Task1] on {Alice} {Bob} lasts 20 days

Les ressources peuvent être marquées comme inopérantes certains jours:

Language fr
project starts on 2020-06-19
[Task1] on {Alice} lasts 10 days
{Alice} is off on 2020-06-24 to 2020-06-26

Hide resources

Without any hiding (by default)

[Task1] on {Alice} lasts 10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} lasts 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} lasts 1 days
then [Task4] on {Alice:25%} {Bob} lasts 1 days

Hide resources names

You can hide ressources names and percentage, on tasks, using the hide ressources names keywords.

hide ressources names
[Task1] on {Alice} lasts 10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} lasts 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} lasts 1 days
then [Task4] on {Alice:25%} {Bob} lasts 1 days

Hide resources footbox

You can also hide ressources names on bottom of the diagram using the hide ressources footbox keywords.

hide ressources footbox
[Task1] on {Alice} lasts 10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} lasts 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} lasts 1 days
then [Task4] on {Alice:25%} {Bob} lasts 1 days

Hide the both (resources names and resources footbox)

You can also hide the both.

hide ressources names
hide ressources footbox
[Task1] on {Alice} lasts 10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} lasts 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} lasts 1 days
then [Task4] on {Alice:25%} {Bob} lasts 1 days


Il est possible d'utiliser -- pour séparer ou grouper des tâches ensemble.

[Task1] lasts 10 days
then [Task2] lasts 4 days
-- Phase Two --
then [Task3] lasts 5 days
then [Task4] lasts 6 days

Exemple plus complexe

On peut se servir de la conjonction de coordination and.

Il est aussi possible de spécifier un délai (avec before ou after) dans les contraintes.

[Design du prototype] lasts 13 days and is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Test du prototype] lasts 9 days and is colored in Coral/Green and starts 3 days after [Design du prototype]'s end
[Écriture des tests] lasts 5 days and ends at [Design du prototype]'s end
[Embauche rédacteurs] lasts 6 days and ends at [Écriture des tests]'s start
[Ecriture des rapports] is colored in Coral/Green
[Ecriture des rapports] starts 1 day before [Test du prototype]'s start and ends at [Test du prototype]'s end


As is mentioned on Common Commands page:
Everything that starts with simple quote ' is a comment.

You can also put comments on several lines using /' to start and '/ to end.
(i.e.: the first character (except space character) of a comment line must be a simple quote ')

' This is a comment

[T1] lasts 3 days

/' this comment
is on several lines '/

[T2] starts at [T1]'s end and lasts 1 day

Avec style

Sans style (par défaut)

[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --

Avec style

Vous pouvez utiliser le style pour modifier le rendu des éléments

ganttDiagram {
	task {
		FontName Helvetica
		FontColor red
		FontSize 18
		FontStyle bold
		BackGroundColor GreenYellow
		LineColor blue
	milestone {
		FontColor blue
		FontSize 25
		FontStyle italic
		BackGroundColor yellow
		LineColor red
	note {
		FontColor DarkGreen
		FontSize 10
		LineColor OrangeRed
	arrow {
		FontName Helvetica
		FontColor red
		FontSize 18
		FontStyle bold
		BackGroundColor GreenYellow
		LineColor blue
	separator {
		LineColor red
		BackGroundColor green
		FontSize 16
		FontStyle bold
		FontColor purple
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --

[Réf. QA-10835, QA-12045, QA-11877 et PR-438]

Avec style (exemple complet)

ganttDiagram {
	task {
		FontName Helvetica
		FontColor red
		FontSize 18
		FontStyle bold
		BackGroundColor GreenYellow
		LineColor blue
	milestone {
		FontColor blue
		FontSize 25
		FontStyle italic
		BackGroundColor yellow
		LineColor red
	note {
		FontColor DarkGreen
		FontSize 10
		LineColor OrangeRed
	arrow {
		FontName Helvetica
		FontColor red
		FontSize 18
		FontStyle bold
		BackGroundColor GreenYellow
		LineColor blue
		LineStyle 8.0;13.0
		LineThickness 3.0
	separator {
		BackgroundColor lightGreen
		LineStyle 8.0;3.0
		LineColor red
		LineThickness 1.0
		FontSize 16
		FontStyle bold
		FontColor purple
		Margin 5
		Padding 20
	timeline {
	    BackgroundColor Bisque
	closed {
		BackgroundColor pink
		FontColor red
Project starts the 2020-12-01

[Task1] lasts 10 days
sunday are closed

note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note

[Task2] lasts 20 days
[Task2] starts 10 days after [Task1]'s end
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end

	separator {
	    LineColor black
		Margin 0
		Padding 0

-- end --

[Réf. QA-13570, QA-13672]

Merci pour le style pour le Séparateur et tous les styles pour la Flèche (épaisseur...)

Nettoyer le style

Avec le style, vous pouvez également nettoyer un diagramme de Gantt (montrant uniquement les tâches, les dépendances et les durées relatives - mais pas de date de début réelle et pas d'échelle réelle):

ganttDiagram {
  timeline {
    LineColor transparent
    FontColor transparent

hide footbox
[Test prototype] lasts 7 days
[Prototype completed] happens at [Test prototype]'s end
[Setup assembly line] lasts 9 days
[Setup assembly line] starts at [Test prototype]'s end
then [Setup] lasts 5 days
[T2] lasts 2 days and starts at [Test prototype]'s end
then [T3] lasts 3 days
-- end task --
then [T4] lasts 2 days

[Réf. QA-13971]

Ou :

ganttDiagram {
  timeline {
    LineColor transparent
    FontColor transparent
  closed {
    FontColor transparent

hide footbox
project starts the 2018/04/09
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
2018/05/01 is closed
2018/04/17 to 2018/04/19 is closed
[Prototype design] lasts 9 days
[Test prototype] lasts 5 days
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Prototype design] is colored in Fuchsia/FireBrick
[Test prototype] is colored in GreenYellow/Green

[Réf. QA-13464]

Ajouter des notes

[task01] lasts 15 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note

[task01] -> [task02]


Exemple avec chevauchement

[task01] lasts 15 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note

[task01] -> [task02]
[task03] lasts 5 days



-- test01 --

[task01] lasts 4 days
note bottom
'note left
memo1 ...
memo2 ...
explanations1 ...
explanations2 ...
end note

[task02] lasts 8 days
[task01] -> [task02]
note bottom
'note left
memo1 ...
memo2 ...
explanations1 ...
explanations2 ...
end note
-- test02 --

[task03] as [t3] lasts 7 days
[t3] -> [t4]

Merci pour la correction (de #386 sur la v1.2020.18) lors d'un chevauchement

Language fr
Project starts 2020-09-01

[taskA] starts 2020-09-01 and lasts 3 days
[taskB] starts 2020-09-10 and lasts 3 days
[taskB] displays on same row as [taskA]

[task01] starts 2020-09-05 and lasts 4 days

then [task02] lasts 8 days
note bottom
  note for task02
  more notes
end note

then [task03] lasts 7 days
note bottom
  note for task03
  more notes
end note

-- separator --

[taskC] starts 2020-09-02 and lasts 5 days
[taskD] starts 2020-09-09 and lasts 5 days
[taskD] displays on same row as [taskC]

[task 10] starts 2020-09-05 and lasts 5 days
then [task 11] lasts 5 days
note bottom
  note for task11
  more notes
end note

Pause des tâches

Language fr
Project starts the 5th of december 2018
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
2018/12/29 is opened
[Prototype design] lasts 17 days
[Prototype design] pauses on 2018/12/13
[Prototype design] pauses on 2018/12/14
[Prototype design] pauses on monday
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end and lasts 2 weeks

Modifier les couleurs des liens

Vous pouvez modifier les couleurs des liens :
  • avec cette syntaxe : with <color> <style> link

[T1] lasts 4 days
[T2] lasts 4 days and starts 3 days after [T1]'s end with blue dotted link
[T3] lasts 4 days and starts 3 days after [T2]'s end with green bold link
[T4] lasts 4 days and starts 3 days after [T3]'s end with green dashed link

  • ou directement en utilisant le style flèche

ganttDiagram {
	arrow {
		LineColor blue
[Prototype design] lasts 7 days
[Build prototype] lasts 4 days
[Prepare test] lasts 6 days
[Prototype design] -[#FF00FF]-> [Build prototype]
[Prototype design] -[dotted]-> [Prepare test]
Then [Run test]  lasts 4 days

[Réf. QA-13693]

Tâches ou jalons sur la même ligne

Vous pouvez placer des tâches ou des jalons sur la même ligne, avec cette syntaxe :
  • [T|M] displays on same row as [T|M]

[Prototype design] lasts 13 days
[Test prototype] lasts 4 days and 1 week
[Test prototype] starts 1 week and 2 days after [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype] displays on same row as [Prototype design]
[r1] happens on 5 days after [Prototype design]'s end
[r2] happens on 5 days after [r1]'s end
[r3] happens on 5 days after [r2]'s end
[r2] displays on same row as [r1]
[r3] displays on same row as [r1]

Mise en avant du jour courant

Language fr
Project starts the 20th of september 2018
sunday are close
2018/09/21 to 2018/09/23 are colored in salmon
2018/09/21 to 2018/09/30 are named [Vacation in the Bahamas] 

today is 30 days after start and is colored in #AAF
[Foo] happens 40 days after start
[Dummy] lasts 10 days and starts 10 days after start


Tâche entre deux jalons

Language fr
project starts on 2020-07-01
[P_start] happens 2020-07-03
[P_end]   happens 2020-07-13
[Prototype design] occurs from [P_start] to [P_end]

Grammar and verbal form

Verbal formExample
[T] starts
[M] happens

Ajouter un titre, un en-tête, un pied de page, une légende ou un sous-titre


header some header

footer some footer

title My title

[Prototype design] lasts 13 days

The legend
end legend

caption This is caption


(Voir aussi : Commandes communes)

Suppression de l'encadré de pied de page (exemple pour toutes les échelles)

Vous pouvez utiliser les mots-clés hide footbox pour supprimer les boîtes de pied du diagramme de gantt (comme pour le diagramme de séquence).

Exemples sur :

  • échelle quotidienne (sans début de projet)


hide footbox
title Foot Box removed

[Prototype design] lasts 15 days
[Test prototype] lasts 10 days

  • échelle journalière

Language fr
Project starts the 20th of september 2017
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 13 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue

hide footbox

  • échelle hebdomadaire

hide footbox
Language fr

printscale weekly
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] lasts 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

  • échelle mensuelle


hide footbox

Language fr
projectscale monthly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

  • échelle trimestrielle


hide footbox

Language fr
projectscale quarterly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 200 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon 

  • échelle annuelle


hide footbox

Language fr
projectscale yearly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] lasts 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 200 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon 

Langue du calendrier

Vous pouvez choisir la langue du calendrier Gantt, avec la commande language <xx>  <xx> est le code ISO 639 de la langue.

Anglais (en, par défaut)

saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] lasts 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Français (fr)

language fr
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] lasts 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Allemand (de)

language de
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] lasts 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Japonais (ja)

language ja
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] lasts 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Chinois (zh)

language zh
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] lasts 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Coréen (ko)

language ko
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] lasts 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] lasts 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Supprimer des tâches ou des jalons

Vous pouvez marquer certaines tâches ou certains jalons comme deleted au lieu de normalement terminés pour distinguer les tâches qui ont pu être éventuellement écartées, reportées ou autres.

[Prototype design] lasts 1 weeks
then [Prototype completed]  lasts 4 days
[End Prototype completed] happens at [Prototype completed]'s end
then [Test prototype] lasts 5 days
[End Test prototype] happens at [Test prototype]'s end

[Prototype completed] is deleted
[End Prototype completed] is deleted

[Réf. QA-9129]


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